The Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) has been closely linked with the development of pediatrics Some Centers in India.In the 40’s there were only 12-15 paediatricians in India – 6 in Mumbai, 2 Delhi,2 in madras and about 4 to 5 in Calcutta.pediatrics made beginning in Mumbai in 1928,when Dr George Coelho,rightly called the Father of Indian Pediatrics,became the Superintendent of the BJ Wadia Hospital for Children – the first children’s hospital in India.He remained the head of the department of pediatrics till 1953.In 1929, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children became a separate independent children’s hospital.

Dr George Coelho started independent research and services in 1928.The postgraduate research and services in 1928.The Postgraduate course for diploma in child health was started at BJ Wadia Hospital and Bai Jeerbai Bombay in 1946.Many of the senior paediatricians of today in the country worked at the BJ Wadia Hospital for children under the leadership of Dr George Coelho.He edited the Indian Journal of child Health from 1952 to 1959.

A separate dept of pediatrics was created in Govt General Hospital,Chennai,in 1946 with Prof.S.T.Achar. He was later responsible for the creation of a separate Institte of pediatrics and children’s Hospital in Egmore ,Chennai.

In 1948,the Dept of Pediatrics was started at the Nair hospital and Topiwala National Medical college with Dr.Shatilal C Sheth as the head of the dept.At around the same time,the dept of pediatrics as its chief.In the early 50’s , De.P.N.Taneja,the senior – most paediatrician in Delhi,became the first chief of pediatrics at Irwin hospital;and later full – time professor of a Pediatrics at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in new Delhi.Simultaneously,Dr.J.N.Pohowalla,became the professor and head of the dept in Indore.In 1933 ,Dr .K.C.Chaudhuri founded the frist indeoendent pediatrics journal namely, the ‘Indian Journal of Pediatric’, in Calcutta.Dr .Chaudhuri also started Society had organized nine National Pediatric Conferences in different cities in India .

The Association of Pediatrics of India started in 1950 in Bombay by Dr.George Coelho listed only paediatericians as “Ordinary members”, and those interested in pediatrics as “Associate Members”.The Indian Pediatrics Societty, however,had a number of non-paediatricians as “Ordinary members”.Dr.Coelho was of the opinion that the policies regarding teaching, service and the research in pediatrics should be decided by paeditricians only.Dr.Chaudhuri on the other hand was of the opinion that all medical personnel including general practitoners,who were interested in pediatric Society.Dr .S.T.Achar along with the second generation of paediatricians in Mumbai,Delhi,Calcutta,Patna, and Indore acted as the catalytic force for the merger of the two national pediatric bodies.

Another important diffirence of opinion between Dr.George Coelho and Dr.K.C.Chaudhuri was regarding the organization of independent and separate conferences for paediatricians.Dr.Coelho decided to establish theAnnual Conference of Association of Paediatricians of India in collaboration with various specialty organizations like Caediologists,Neurologists,Haematologists and other internal medical disciplines.He felt that this would help influence the status of pediatrics as a separate discipline with senior medical professional of the country,whowere the decision makers in the field of medical education.

However,Dr.K.C.Chaudhuri thought that the paediatricians of Indi should have a separate independent annual conference of their own.He felt that conducting a separate annual meeting of paediatricians would help establishpediatrics as an independent discipline. Considering the difference of ideas and approach of the two senior pediatric pioneers,the younger generation of paediatricians acroos India by the commonbond of a National Pediatric body.The Indian pediatric Society at its annual conference at juipur in December 1961,adopted a resolution proposing the constituation of a single All India Organization,representative of Indian paedatricians,instead of two.The Association of Paediatricians of India at its annual confetence in Indore in February 1962 responded with a similar proposal.

A joint committee was set up to formulate proposals to achieve this end.T%he members of the committee were Dr.Sisir K.Bose,Dr.Harish Chandra ,Dr.S.P.Ghosal, Dr.S.S.Manchanda, Dr.B.D.Patel, Dr.P.Tirumala Rao, Dr.Shantilal C.Seth,Dr.P.N Taneja, Dr.P.M .Udani and Dr.J.K.G.Webb.The committee held its firstmeeting at Hyderbad in March 1962. Dr.Sisir K.Bose was elected its Covenor .The Committee laid down the principles on which the new body to be called the “Indian Academy of Pediatrics” would be constituted.The Secretaries of the two esisting bodies, Dr.S.P.Ghosal and Dr.B.D.Patel were called upon to draw detailed proposals regrarding the constitution of the proposed “Indian Academy of Pediatrics”.

The joint committee held its decond meeting on the eve of the joint Hyderabad conference of the two bodies in 1963.At this meeting Hyderabad conference of the two bodies in 1963.At this meeting the draft constitution together with the recommendation of the joint committee was approved and forwarded to the Indian Pediatric Society ab=nd the Association of Paediatricians of India for consideration and acceptance.

The India Pediatric Societty and the Association of Paediatricians of india thenjointly decided to from the Indian Accademy of Pediatrics as the Single representative body of Paediatricians of india and the first National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics was held in pune in 1964.The official journal of the IAP – Indian Pediatrics,incorporated the Indian Journal of the Child Health and the Journal of the Indian Pediatric Society ; commenced publication in January 1964 from Calcutta.The central office of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics was established in Mumbai.